What is Takt Time?What is Takt Time?

Takt time sets the rhythm of production to precisely match the rate of customer demand. This important metric ensures a lean manufacturing process produces no more and no less than the exact amount the customer requires. Takt time connects the production flow to customer needs.

Calculating Takt Time

The takt time formula is simple:

Available Production Time / Customer Demand = Takt Time

For example,if customers demand 300 widgets per day,and the available production time is 420 minutes per day,the takt time would be 1.4 minutes. This means a new widget must start production every 1.4 minutes to match demand.

Importance of Takt Time

Takt time creates a steady,consistent pace of production. Lean manufacturing lines are designed with workstations spaced to support the rate of customer demand as defined by takt time. This smooth,balanced flow prevents the waste of overproduction and excess work-in-progress inventory buildup. Takt time also provides feedback by quickly highlighting production bottlenecks or processes that are unable to keep up.

Using Takt Time

Following takt time ensures production capacity precisely matches customer demand. It pulls just the right amount of work-in-progress inventory needed to fulfill customer orders without overproducing. Takt time connects every production decision to the customer’s needs. Any process or workstation unable to keep up with the takt time rhythm becomes instantly visible,so steps can be taken to improve flow.

What are some Benefits of Takt Time?

  • Aligns production capacity to match demand
  • Reduces excess inventory and overproduction
  • Sets a steady,consistent pace for the entire production system
  • Balances workloads between processes
  • Rapidly reveals bottlenecks or constraints
  • Directly connects plant operations to customer pull

In summary,takt time provides the essential,rhythmic beat for aligning lean production systems with actual customer demand. It translates demand into the optimal manufacturing tempo. Takt time is a foundational,yet powerful metric for lean.