The Latest Trends in Plastic SurgeryThe Latest Trends in Plastic Surgery

The Latest Trends in Plastic Surgery

Fat transfer and face surgery are two of the most popular treatments, according to plastic experts. Plastic surgery is becoming increasingly fashionable. Americans increasingly seek cosmetic treatments and augmentations, says the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. According to the ASPS, 17 million surgical operations and less invasive treatments, such as laser hair removal and chemical peels, were performed in 2017. Breast augmentation remained the most popular operation for the third year in a row, with over 290,000 procedures performed.

The recently revealed data also shows that the number of cosmetic procedures focusing on the face is increasing.In addition, for the first time, a new form of cosmetic surgery appeared on the popular list.
Though the term “plastic surgery” conjures up images of chemical fillers, silicone breast implants, and injectable artificial components, the ASPS study indicates that patients prefer a more “natural” element in their “plastic” surgery: fat. In 2016, the number of minimally invasive cosmetic fat injections rose by 13%.
Furthermore, fat grafts in the buttocks were more popular last year, with a 26% increase. Breast augmentations using fat injections, on the other hand, experienced the most dramatic gain, with a 72 percent increase in one year.

Liposuction is a technique used by plastic surgeons to remove excess fat from a patient’s belly. Then inject it into other regions to lift and rejuvenate them, such as the face, buttocks, and breast. “Dr. Arian Mowlavi, @drlaguna, a private practice plastic surgeon at The Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach, California, explained. 
Newer operations concentrate on eliminating fat in less intrusive methods, and many of them are less expensive. More unique procedures might explain the growing popularity of fat transfer. Of course, a BBL is still the most popular fat transfer treatment.

While some people want to transfer fat from one region to another, others want to get rid of all fat. With almost 235,000 treatments, liposuction ranked second on the list of most frequent plastic surgeries.